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Event Planner

We’ve given you 8-10 weeks here, but you can always combine tasks to shorten the timeline.

8-10 Weeks Before

  • Set ultimate goals for your event. What do you want people to KNOW, to FEEL and to DO? Do you want participants to be educated about a topic, sign a pledge, raise funds etc.? Do you want to gather signatures around your cause?
  • Set goals for number of participants and fundraising.
  • Check out our Team Captain Toolkit so you’ll know what’s on your plate.
  • Assign volunteer roles and committees and schedule a meeting with them.
  • Organize WHO’s doing WHAT by WHEN.
  • Confirm date, location, time, cost per participant and insurance for the event (we can help with this for free!)
  • Secure necessary permits and ask if you’ll need event insurance.
  • Reserve location. Check sports schedules, school event calendars and vacation dates to make sure there aren’t any other conflicting events planned for that date.
  • Craft your pitch using our Pitch Builder so it’s easy to spread awareness about what your cause is all about or what your organization does.
  • Set up your registration and fundraising site.

7 Weeks Before

  • Make a promotion strategy to spread the word with our Promote Your Effort tool.
  • Create flyers, posters and language for event announcements. Use our Poster Creator resource to make things easy.
  • Make a plan for t-shirt design.

6 Weeks Before

  • Finalize your list of groups you want to invite and decide who will reach out.
  • Start telling people about your event and continue all the way until the event!
  • Begin soliciting sponsorships (sample letter here), prizes and additional donations; continue throughout planning.
  • Recruit volunteers and define their role for the day of the event
  • Choose a vendor for t-shirt printing and inquire about timeline for ordering. You can use a local company or check out sites like Bonfire and Custom Ink that allow you design online.

4-5 Weeks Before

  • Recruit referees (if necessary) for the event.
  • Research playing music for your event (sound system, DJ etc).
  • Research any audio-visual needs and make a plan.
  • Use our Give a Talk tool to create a brief presentation about your cause or organization so you can share on the day of the event. And, if possible, invite an educational speaker to speak.
  • Determine if you’ll be having awards at your event and make a plan for getting them.
  • If needed, schedule an athletic trainer or EMT to be on site at the event and give the event information to the local EMT.
  • Make a list of all necessary equipment and supplies and assign people for pick up and return.
  • Arrange for food and drinks at the event
  • Create a parking plan if needed
  • Make sure bathrooms are accessible and available
  • If you’re outdoors, create a rain or foul-weather plan and how you’ll communicate any change in plans

3 Weeks Before

  • Draw a diagram of your set up so others can help, if needed
  • If you’re supporting an organization, ask if they have hand-outs or talking points for your event
  • Prepare a list of all those you need to thank on the day of the event (sponsors, participants, donors, volunteers)

2 Weeks Before

  • Create a Run of Show so that you know exactly what is happening when and who will be doing it
  • Make event signs (e.g., bracket poster, directions)
  • Check on Wi-Fi availability and power
  • Make a plan for trash disposal
  • Assign a photographer

Week of the Event

  • Set up preliminary tournament brackets if needed
  • Go through Day-Of Event Checklist to make sure you have everything you need
  • Host a final volunteer meeting
  • Prepare talking points for thanking sponsors and other people who helped you make this happen
  • Prepare talking points to let people know why you’re supporting your cause and/ or where the dollars are going
  • Confirm all event logistics
  • Close registration if needed

Day of the Event!

  • Have fun!
  • Remember to hang banners of organizations, sponsors and partner
  • Wear branded t-shirts if applicable
  • Take photos and videos
  • Make a brief presentation about your cause and/or organization
  • Extend thank you to audience, volunteers, participants, sponsors, partners, donors