What’s a Challenge?
It’s an athletic event you design to champion a cause you choose. You sign up. We hit you up. Game on.

We’ll show you how to plan and run it like a pro and make sure nothing stands between you and your vision for change. And, it’s all free.
What You Get
- Personalized coaching from a Positive Tracks Coach
- A Positive Tracks Starter Grant to get your Challenge off the ground
- Online tools & resources
- A fundraising match up to $100 (if you’re fundraising)
- A Positive Tracks t-shirt, banner, sticker
- Social media promotion & amplification
- Customizable registration page
- Customizable fundraising page (optional)
- Free liability insurance (if needed)
- Community service hours
- Certificate in Athletic Activism for Community Impact & Mobilization
- The magic of being a part of the Positive Tracks fam
We'll Teach You How To
- Use sport to create change
- Set vision and goals
- Plan and organize an athletic event
- Recruit and engage others
- Understand the basics of activism and community organizing
- Understand about root causes, “isms” and systemic problems
- Describe your cause, organization and goals via written and spoken word
- Fundraise for your cause
- Troubleshoot if something goes wrong
Frequently Asked Questions
What exactly is a Positive Tracks Challenge?
It’s an athletic event you design to champion a cause you choose. You sign up. We hit you up. Game on.
Do I have to do something active for my Challenge?
Active? Yes. Traditional? Definitely not! It’s really up to you. We believe in the power of physical activity, but we also understand the personal aspect of what that means. Feel free to get crazy or think outside the box, pool, track, or ring (think yoga, summiting a local peak, a daily steps challenge, or rollerskate laps). Check out our inspiration!
Can I design my own event?
Yes, we encourage it, and we’ll show you how to make it happen!
Do I have to create my own event for my Challenge?
Nope. If you want to participate, you can always join an existing event organized by someone else.
How old do I have to be to participate in a Positive Tracks Challenge?
To sign up as a Captain and organize your own Positive Tracks event, you must be between the ages of 12 – 25. However, there are no age limits to participate in Positive Tracks Challenges unless a Challenge is designated for a specific age or audience.
Can I design my own event?
Yes! And we’ll coach you through making it happen.
Can I do a Challenge by myself?
Absolutely! Positive change can just as easily come from one person as it can from a group. If you’ve got a solo endeavor in mind, we’ll help you bring it to life.
Do I have to fundraise?
Nope. Learning how to educate people about the issue important to you is a critically important aspect of making change. We can teach you how to accomplish goals that have nothing to do with fundraising – like getting plastic straws out of your local restaurants. If fundraising is your goal, we can teach you how to do that, too!
What do I get through Positive Tracks?
Our free resources include:
- Personalized coaching from a Positive Tracks Coach
- A Positive Tracks Starter Grant up to $125 to get your Challenge off the ground
- Online tools & resources
- A fundraising match up to $100 (if you’re fundraising)
- A Positive Tracks t-shirt, banner, sticker
- Social media promotion & amplification
- Customizable registration page
- Customizable fundraising page (optional)
- Free liability insurance (if needed)
- Community service hours
- Certificate in Athletic Activism for Community Impact & Mobilization
- The magic of being a part of the Positive Tracks fam
Is it free to participate in a Positive Tracks Challenge?
Yes, all of our programming is free. No catches, no exceptions, no hidden costs or obligations.
Does Positive Tracks have any resources to help me get my Challenge started?
Yes! Everyone has the ability to secure a starter grant to get your event off the ground (up to $125 for Challenges open to the public and $75 for solo events).
How does the match work if I fundraise?
We match up to $100 raised per Challenge. So, if you raise $10, we contribute an additional $10 – up to $100. The Positive Tracks match will go directly to the cause or organization you’ve chosen.
Can Positive Tracks check to see if the organization I’m supporting is a legitimate nonprofit?
Yes, we check out every organization youth choose to support through Positive Tracks.
Are there organizations Positive Tracks does not support?
We’re eager to help you support a cause you believe in, however we will not support discrimination of any type; attempts to influence legislation; political candidates; sectarian religious activity (any organization that has an established theological or spiritual purpose or perspective); organizations without U.S. nonprofit status or fiscal sponsorship. If you are unsure of whether your organization meets our qualifications, simply ask us.
What kind of support does Positive Tracks offer?
So much support! Check it out – we’ll help you:
- Use sport to create change
- Set vision and goals
- Plan and organize an athletic event
- Recruit and engage others
- Understand the basics of activism and community organizing
- Understand about root causes, “isms” and systemic problems
- Describe your cause, organization and goals via written and spoken word
- Fundraise for your cause
- Troubleshoot if something goes wrong
What does Positive Tracks expect when I do a Challenge?
- Join us for a coaching session so we can learn more about your plan and how we can best support you.
- Take pictures and/or videos at your event and share them with Positive Tracks.
- Incorporate an active component into your effort. If you’re in motion, we’re in!
- If you fundraise, submit all donations to your organization, or to Positive Tracks, for processing.
- Use approved Positive Tracks language.
- If you’re able, tag and follow Positive Tracks, hang the Positive Tracks banner at your event, and wear Positive Tracks swag we send you. It’s sort of like being sponsored by Nike, only better.
- After you’ve done your Challenge, provide us with an official accounting of the dollars raised at your event, fill out your Reflection Survey, and send us your pictures.
Where can I find Positive Tracks program resources?
We’ve got you covered! Check out all of our resources.
What do I need to do to take advantage of the Positive Tracks free coaching and resources?
Just take a few minutes to sign up and then we’ll reach out!
How can I support Positive Tracks?
People of every age can support Positive Tracks by spreading the word about us or following and sharing our socials. You can Sweat For Good at any age! You can also host a gathering to raise awareness or funds for Positive Tracks. We’re a 501(c)3 public charity that accepts donations. Learn more about how you can support Positive Tracks.
Can I volunteer for Positive Tracks?
Yep! We’d love to have you. Just fill out our volunteer form and we’ll be in touch.