Dance, tennis, swim, frisbee, walk, bowl, ski.  Pick what you dig doing, and do it till you drop! Okay, just before you drop.


Get started with our Week-By-Week Event Planner to make your life easy.

If you’re a Team Captain, check out our toolkit that’s designed just for you and provides answers about your role as a leader.

Make a list of everything that needs to get done and by whom with our Timeline Planner. Or use a free online planner like, Trello.


  1. A date, time and location for your Thon.
  2. Depending on the length of your Thon, make sure you have fuel to keep everyone going! Snacks and drinks are always a good idea.
  3. Music! Nothing gets people going like a good pump-up song.
  4. A clock showing time left in your Thon.
  5. Signs and posters.
  6. A bullhorn or loud friend.
  7. Photographer or videographer to capture the moment.
  8. Tables for registration, water, snacks or selling t-shirts.
  9. Concession stand with volunteers if you want to raise some extra money for your cause.
  10. Event donation box and some smaller bills to make change.
  11. A team for set up and a team for clean up.


  1. Collect an entry fee from each team and ask them to set up fundraising pages leading up to the event to activate peer to peer fundraising.
  2. Try to create/find as many courts as possible, so you can get the most people playing at once!
  3. Fill out your bracket once teams show up.
  4. Ask teams to wear costumes or t-shirts of the same color- they’re great for team unity.
  5. Cheer everyone on!


Use our step-by-step guide to promote and share your idea to get as many thon participants as you can.


Check out our Day-Of Event Checklist so that your event is stress free and FUN.Share your event far and wide. Use our step-by-step guide to promote your idea and get as many thon participants as you can.

Need some Ideas? 

Anything can become a thon! Think of what you love and do it for as long as you can!

  • dance-a-thon
  • tennis-a-thon
  • swim-a-thon
  • frisbee-a-thon
  • walk-a-thon
  • bowl-a-thon
  • ski-a-thon
  • bike-a-thon
  • freethrow-a-thon
  • hit-a-thon (baseball)
  • hike-a-thon
  • dive-a-thon

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