We’re all about sweating for good so check out ACTIVE IDEAS HERE, but if you need more ideas check out the below. 


SPELL S-U-C-C-E-S-S: Host a spelling bee. You say potatoe. . .no, wait. . .d’oh!

FROZEN T-SHIRT CONTEST: Sort of mean, but really easy. Fold a shirt as tight as possible, soak it, and then freeze it. The first one to undo it, and wear it, wins.

CHIPPING FOR CHARITY: Grab the golf (or mini golf) clubs and see who can get it closest to the pin (or windmill).

BLOW PONG: Circle a large round table, or pool table, with human goalies, hands behind backs. Drop a ping pong ball in the center, and start blowing. If the ball passes through your goal space and off the table, you are OUT. Continue until one champ stands!

BINGO IS ITS NAME-O: Easy for all ages.

50/50 RAFFLE: Sell raffle tickets with half the proceeds as a prize– EASY!

PENNY WAR: Doesn’t get much easier than a creating a battle for the most change. Grab some big collection jars, put them in a busy spot then create teams to battle against each other. Here’s how it goes down.

CHUCK A DUCK: It’s simple and fun. Sell rubber duckies where lots of people gather. Pick a time and put out a target. People chuck their ducks at the target. The nearest to the target wins a prize!

MONTH OF PRIZES RAFFLE: Raffles are great, but even better when someone wins a prize each day for a month. Better odds to win= more ticket sales.


SET UP A TABLE & SPREAD THE WORD: Find an area with a lot of action and people, like a grocery store, and use your best salesperson skills. Remember you’re not going out to dinner with the money, it’s for a cause you care about!

COMMISSION A DRESS DOWN DAY: Casual Friday on a Monday? Who wouldn’t donate to a cause to make that happen?

GIVE & GET A HUG BOOTH Really, there’s no price for a good one. Work for tips and smiles, too!

DOG KISSING/DOG PETTING BOOTH: Same idea, different species.

DUNKING BOOTH: Sending people, especially well-respected, highly paid or well dressed ones, into the drink just never gets old.

FOR THE BIRDS: Deliver a group of fake pink flamingos (or other unwanted item) to a donor’s yard with a note explaining the cause and a deal—for a donation the flamingos will be replanted in their yard of choice.


SCARY NIGHT FLICK: Pop up the corn, sell tickets to the show, and scare the pants off your pals.

BIG WHEEL RACE: Or trike, race. Level the playing field, fast.

HUMAN HUNGRY HUNGRY HIPPOS: This is too cool to pass up. Watch to learn how: https://youtu.be/_vF-p1S5wvM

GIANT JENGA COMPETITION: Build your own blocks out of any material you want to – perhaps recycling?

SMOOTHIE/HOT CHOCOLATE/LEMONADE/CIDER STAND: Something delish is always in season.

KARAOKE CONCERT: The more (actively) embarrassing, the better.

GOING ONCE, GOING TWICE: Collect donations of goods (used sports gear is always good) or services (hint: start with your own and get your friends to step up) and host a live or online auction.

BAKE SALE: Tried and true with guaranteed success.

CAR WASH BOOGIE: Crank the music, turn on the sprayers, and splash! You’re looking at car wash cash.

CHILI COOK OFF: Or ribs, pizza, pie. If it’s yummy, they will come.

BATTLE OF THE BANDS, BENEFIT CONCERT, OR TALENT SHOW: Get your friends together and show your stuff like it’s American Idol, without mean judges.

PET PAGEANT: Enough said. What’s better than pugs in tutus?

YARD SALE: Do your parents a favor, and clean out the attic, basement, closets and garage. Do yourself a favor by turning clutter into cash.

ART AUCTION: Your own masterpieces, of course!

COW PATTY (OR OTHER PARTY) FUNDRAISER: If you’re not from New England or the Mid-West, Google Cow Pies Bingo, and you’ll see what we’re talking about.

TRIVIA NIGHT: Find awesome trivia night ideas on Squidoo, or on Fundraiserinsight.org.

THEMED MYSTERY DINNER: Get a kit online, or come up with your own clues and make each guest a “character in crime.”

RESTAURANT NIGHT: Approach a local restaurant and see what they’d be willing to do for you (donate a percentage of sales, host a tasting, etc.).

AUCTION OFF YOUR ____: Sports gear, services, outgrown dirt bike, Dad’s old car (check with Dad first!).

“MINUTE TO WIN IT” EVENT: The more ridiculous (and active) the challenge, the better!

PUMP IT UP: Partner with a local gas station and have volunteers pump gas, clean windshields, and do the full service treatment for donations for a few hours or a day.


SWEAT FOR GOOD – it’s what we’re all about. See all the ideas here.


JEWELRY SALE: Make your own, or host an event to teach people how it’s done. (Combine this with a bake sale to make it super sweet!)

DUCT-TAPE CRAFT SALE: Wallet, bag, headband, leash, airplane (get the really good tape for that).

CREATE AN ICE CREAM FLAVOR OR SANDWICH FOR LOCAL DELI: Partial proceeds go to charity, and you’ve built a sweet awareness tool, too.

SHAVE YOUR HEAD CAMPAIGN: Own your dome, and lose a little weight too.


WEAR THE CAUSE: Have slogan, will travel! You create swag and profits go to charity.


RENT-A-TUTOR: Hey, smarty pants, share your gift with youngsters or grown-ups.

RENT-A-BAKER/PAINTER: Young energy meets grown up cash. Projects get done. Everybody wins.

SIT-A-THON: Babysitting, that is. You and your friends provide activities and supervision for a block of time at a convenient venue.


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