Doug Lewis runs his ELITEAM camps with one purpose: to develop healthy, confident, “complete” athletes. Complete athletes are strong fast, healthy and confident. They know something about Sports Physiology, and also about the often overlooked concepts of Sports Psychology and Sports Nutrition. Most importantly, they know how to have fun while training hard. If you want to see Good Sweat in action, check out the ELITEAM blog, and read on as Doug describes what it takes to be a complete athlete:

The Complete Athlete

By Doug Lewis

What makes an athlete great? During my 8 years competing on the  World Cup skiing circuit I learned that it wasn’t the best skier, or the strongest  skier, or the skier who could memorize the course the best, or the skier with the  fastest equipment who won. It was the skier who was proficient at all the skills  that go into being an athlete—physical fitness, technical ability, mental strength and a fully rested and energized body—who would most often reach the top of the podium.

Assembling the pieces: Until I was a master at all the elements of being an athlete, I would fall short. I always had a strong focus and determination to work hard and do whatever it took to be the best. But that didn’t get me all the way to the top. I then had to learn how to ski technically perfect. Next I focused on my biggest weakness which was physical fitness. I worked out intensely to fill that gap. Then it was a matter of equipment and figuring out what I needed to have to be fast. Finally, it was a matter of just keeping at it until it all came together into one complete package of speed.

Turning weaknesses into strengths: So many young athletes only focus on one aspect of sport, which is usually what they are best at. They have some success and think they don’t have to work any more. That is a big mistake. You can be the best shooter in the game of basketball, but if you do not fill your body with healthy food that fuels your muscles, you won’t make it to the fourth quarter so your excellent shooting will be wasted. There are many examples of one-dimensional young super-stars that never make past the junior level. A champion knows that it takes many different skills. A champion looks at what he or she lacks and focuses on making that weakness into a strength.

Putting it all together: At ELITEAM, we educate young athletes about the importance becoming a “complete” athlete. You first have to know about all the pieces to the puzzle. Then you have to acquire all the pieces to the puzzle. Only then can you start putting it together.

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